Friday 11 October 2019

X SEMIOTICS1 applied to Warp films

Tyrannosaur poster

  • Rule of thirds, centrally framed connoting this man as the protagonist
  • However, prop (wooden baseball bat), lighting, mise-en-scene etc connote he could be the antagonist
  • Own binary opposition - creating narrative enigma
  • Serif font signifying a drama genre
  • Wrinkles - older man - older audience
  • Skin head, vest top - working class
  • Terraced houses on edge of poster - working class
  • Dark weather - drama
  • High key lighting on only one side - reflects his two different personalities - drama
  • Small 'a film by Paddy Considine' denotes auteur theory
  • 2 awards won & reviews to lead promotion
  • High angle - surprising for protagonist
  • Bare tree - drama 
  • Violence - in this shot - violence to himself - self-loathing
  • Contemplating - not stupid like the stereotypical working class
  • Narrative enigma - what is he regretting?
  • Names but not big or bold
  • All upper case
Le Donk & Scor-zay-zee poster

  • Bright colours with title, stars, graffiti (not serious)
  • Fat character signifies comedy in this case
  • Wearing scruffy clothes, therefore not glamourising the working-class
  • Underwear hanging connotes a comedy genre
  • Setting = covered in graffiti (connotation of rough area) + (typical warp)
  • Intertextual reference of 'Spinal Tap' 
  • Stereotypes = short hair, relatively masculine colours
  • rule of thirds - centred on the cover (protagonist)
  • more inviting as character is directly referencing the character with hand gesture
  • Text = scruffy serif font
  • Narrative enigma as we don't know who the character is + his eyes are covered by sunglasses
  • Long-shot/extreme long-shot
  • Mid angle
  • Shane Meadows made clear on cover = denotes the auteur theory
  • Small text showing the actors (not famous actors, therefore no need to have their names clear on the cover)
  • Not a star vacuole + film ratings on cover
  • Showing off film festival ratings
  • intertextuality with name (Martin Scorsese)
  • Two shot


DB said...

Mostly excellent: great range of terms, good presentation. Some elements of denotation/EX (Tyr: ‘prop’?) + EAA (LeDonk ‘upper class’??) need checking.

DB said...

Add a summary at the top of the post of what this has taught you about Warp (Indie!) production/marketing.