Friday 24 January 2020

X PRE-PRODUCTION14 Zombie Makeup

I'm doing some more research for the zombie makeup as I believe ours could look better.  We are using liquid latex, so I've watched some videos on zombie makeup which has liquid latex scars/cuts.


I think her makeup was a bit too excessive for what we're looking for so we will take inspiration from the liquid latex technique but not the eye makeup.  I think that we will have the makeup look more like how we had it before.


The makeup is a lot more what we're looking for on this video.  I thought that the tissue was a bit more obvious which I didn't like, however, I like how she covered it with the fake blood.  I also like the effect the sponge gave with the blood.


I think this way of doing the cut is really cool and very different.  It might be a bit too complicated for our first try but I think it is worth a go.  I really like the red on the waterline with black/grey just underneath.  I also really like how she did her lips.

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