Sunday 12 January 2020

X PRACTICE7 Practice Shoot Kitchen

I don't like the kitchen idea as much.  I think that our character would make his life as easy as possible by having everything he needs right beside him in the living room.  I also think that my kitchen doesn't really reflect the character as it's very spacious and quite modern.  It is also quite difficult to go about things in this kitchen due to the many different reflective surfaces.  The windows don't help because even though they give a great amount of light, it could make our character under-exposed if he stands in front of them.





1 comment:

DB said...

Try to make sure there are no posts with an unexplained video. Should always be a simple explanation of what it is/about AND a bullet list of key points ABOVE the embedded video.

BELOW a video like would then be REFLECTION: what have you learned from this? Has it impacted your planning in any way? Is there any follow-up planned? Is it something you'll seek AUDIENCE feedback on? Is it something that can be used within 1 or more of the social media accounts? Have you used any AV kit, or aspects of it, that you haven't before?

Looking ahead to your Eval, you'll find it helps if 1 of you constructs a step-by-step (with dates + basic detail) list of 'how your skills developed', for which practice exercises and such sample shoots are central.