Sunday 6 October 2019

X INDUSTRY1 Factors that influence Box Office

  • Why Warp can't produce any genre besides social realism and horror - (and comedy - 4 Lions -'suicide bomber comedy' 
  • Warp X makes lots of horror - similarity between horror and social realism - both lack CGI, IP, stars. Warp X doesn´t have access to a high budget and has to stick to these genres as they have a lack of budget.
  • If they were bought by a conglomerate, they would be able to diversify to different genres.
  • Working Title have the budget to diversify into different genres
  • They can use CGI and SFX for Sci-Fi genres such as in Paul
  • They also can afford IP such as the Bridget Jones franchise as it was originally a novel

  • Outliar for Working Title - WT2 - low budget end - Psuedo Indie 
  • Low budget and social realism (around $2m budget)
  • Grim setting, accents, working class
  • Appealed because of feel good ending - ties in with American Dream
  • Warp don't usually have feel good endings

1 comment:

DB said...

Quite good: details on both exam case studies, good range of industry terms with bold+pink, some clear analysis

- post title: INDUSTRY is the theme?
- example/s: for Warp give egs, for WT widen to include more egs
- some illustration/multimedia
- and don't forget to update playlist/s... Separate OR additional ones for Warp + WT films researched would be useful!!! If so, update playlist post/s + links list for playlists.