Wednesday 30 October 2019

X INDUSTRY2 Why Working Title is and Warp isn't successful

Working Title
  • Star-power
    • BRIDGET JONES'S DIARY (Maguire, 2001)
      • Hugh Grant, Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth
        • Can afford A-listers (budget of $26m)
        • Use for star billing on advertisement (posters)
    • LE DONK AND SCOR-ZAY-ZEE (Meadows, 2009)
      • No A-listers
        • Can't afford (budget of only £48k)
        • Doesn't appeal to audience as much

  • CGI and SFX
    • PAUL (Mottola, 2011)
      • Sci-fi comedy genre
      • Can afford to use CGI and SFX (budget of $40m)
      • Appeals to audience
    • No movie with CGI or SFX

  • Product Placement
    • ABOUT A BOY (Chris Weitz and Paul Weitz, 2002)
      • Product placement of Bang and Olufsen and Phillips 
      • Companies use these Big 5 movies to advertise their products

    • No movie with product placement
      • Their movies don't get a lot of recognition so companies won't bother paying them to include their products

  • Tie-ins
    • BRIDGET JONES'S BABY (Maguire, 2016)
      • Softis toilet role tie-in
      • Poster for Bridget Jones's Baby on the packaging
    • No movie with tie-ins

  • Tentpole/Budget
    • GREEN ZONE (Greengrass, 2010)
      • Starring Matt Damon
      • Tentpole (budget of $100m)

  • Genre
    • SHAUN OF THE DEAD (Wright, 2004)
      • Can afford to do any genre they want ($6.1m)
      • Even hybrid genres such as the zom-rom-com
      • Don't show as many representations
    • TYRANNOSAUR (Considine, 2011)
      • Can't afford to do different genres (£750k)
      • Mainly stick to social realism genre
      • Show different representations


  • Horizontal Integration

  • Vertical Integration
    • NBC Universal an example of vertical integration
      • Working Title being a production company
    • Warp does not own distribution and exhibition/exchange companies

  • IP
    • LES MISÉRABLES (Ly, 2019)
      • Originally a novel
      • Can afford to pay intellectual property (budget of $61m)
    • Can't afford to pay IP

  • China
    • Second biggest film market in the world
    • A quota of 34 movies per year 
    • Working Title could achieve this
    • Warp could never

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