Sunday 24 November 2019



  • WT2 - pseudo indie - not indie but low budget
  • Conventional first shot being outdoors but not in Hot Fuzz
  • Extreme long shot 
  • Giving some exposition
  • Rule of thirds - not concrete however light part is centered
  • Props in mise-en-scene creating verisimilitude - achieving sense of realism
  • Sound of sirens giving exposition 
  • Straight cut not fade in 
  • Boom sound sharply when sliding doors open - comedic genre
  • Diegetic sound of doors opening - often exaggerated sounds added in post production - in this case for comedic effect
  • Man in first shot walking fast connoting seriousness
  • Centred in rule of thirds - central protagonist
  • Very long walk and ominous sound in background to connote tension
  • Camera tracking in
  • In association with StudioCanal - not main distributor
  • In association with big talk productions - not main production company
  • Opening shot - 31 seconds long
  • Close up of serious and stern expression 
  • Comical when badge comes out 
  • Identical stern expression on badge
  • Disguise cut onto next shot

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