Wednesday 4 September 2019


Baby Driver


Idents, Companies & Production Context

  • 4 idents
  • Sony - 14.12 seconds
  • Tristar - 13.58 seconds
  • MRC (Media Rights Capital) - 8.28 seconds
  • Working Title - 12.53 seconds
  • Average length - 12.13 seconds
  • Sony, MRC, (maybe Working Title) - simple idents
  • Tristar, (maybe Working Title) - complex idents
  • Order - Sony, Tristar, MRC, Working Title
  • Tristar is a Sony subsidiary so it makes sense to put Sony before


  • Black screen until the O in Sony begins to appear
  • Roughly 6 seconds in, a high pitched note plays at the same time a ray of light makes the other letters visible
  • All letters turn white, then a fade of light blue to white to dark blue
  • Zoom into the letter O and rumbling noise and bells play
  • High pitched noise still plays


  • Dark shapes which look like trees until another ray of light shows and the set becomes light and shows white fluffy clouds 
  • White pegasus runs from extreme long shot until a long shot
  • Swoosh sound as pegasus opens its wings
  • 'Tristar' appears above and behind the pegasus in a gold, bubble, sans-serif font and 'a Sony company' appears in a smaller gold, bubble, sans-serif font below
  • Pegasus goes into slow motion as titles appear
  • Swoosh again as it fades to black
  • High pitched noise continues throughout 


  • Blue box appears from left to right
  • Letters and box fades into view and focuses
  • Fade to black after
  • High pitched noise still playing


  • Circular orange light appears
  • White chalk or pencil drawing a circle in this orange spot
  • Drawing turns into blue rings
  • Blue rings spin around and the working title font in white appears
  • Swoosh sfx when blue rings start spinning
  • Ringing sound continues throughout
  • Fade to black
  • Ringing audio bridges into first scene


  • Titles start at 6:23
  • End of song Bell Bottoms playing as titles appear - song fades out

  • Tristar Pictures and MRC present
  • Sans serif stencil font in white, all upper case but 'and' and 'present' in a smaller font than 'tristar pictures' and 'mrc'
  • Thin yellow strip underneath 'Tristar Pictures and MRC' and above 'present'
  • Appears the same time a tyre screech sound effect
  • Line comes from the right of the screen and the words come out from the line
  • Font gets bigger until it fades out

  • Again another yellow line comes in from the left of the screen 
  • 'A working title' on the top, 'big talk pictures production' underneath
  • Same font
  • 'working title' and 'big talk pictures' in a bigger font than 'a' and 'production'
  • Font gets bigger until it fades out

  • Again another yellow line comes in from the right of the screen but goes into the middle of the screen
  • 'a film by' on top, 'Edgar Wright' underneath
  • Same font
  • Top line in a smaller font than the bottom line
  • Font gets bigger until it fades out


DB said...

Good: some detailed denotation, good use of specific ML, bold+pink, some sub-headings, hyperlinked poster source

but develop:
- add tags
- add to links list/s
- add further, specific illustration
- either develop the post to actually consider the opening, or change the post title to reflect the post content/focus
- use a numbering system for post titles
- use further sub-headings (eg each ident)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...
