Wednesday 18 September 2019

X ML3 Thoughts on previous AS coursework films




This is my favourite film opening.  I think the sound, mise-en-scene, cinematography and editing works really well together in order to create this hybrid genre, teen rom-com.
I like how the first 40 seconds builds up that narrative enigma by only showing small aspects of the protagonist.  For example this extreme close up shot, and all other shots within the first 40 seconds don't show the audience who the character is.
Extreme close up shot

I also like how it's edited for the clothes to fall on the floor in time with the beats of the music.
Medium close up shot
There are 37 shots within the first 40 seconds which is great for a younger target audience.

The only aspect of this opening I don't like is the scene where the protagonist gets pushed into the lockers and it gets replayed.
I think that this scene could be done in such a way where it doesn't look so strange by having a different angle because it is quite hard to see what is going on here as the male character is in the way.  Also I don't understand what voiceover was used during that point as it sounds like they didn't finish what they were saying.

1 comment:

DB said...

Excellent commentary: precise, use of ML, good presentation + illustration, insightful.