Wednesday 9 October 2019


This Prelim was to help us with getting used to using Final Cut Pro X.  We could be as creative as we wanted as it was just to help us get to grips with FCPX.  We explored the use of titles, sound and editing.  For the titles, we typed up what we wanted to say and copied and pasted it to put over the top in red so it appears to have a shadow.  We also downloaded the font from the internet.  For sound, we found a useful sound, both for the background and the explosion, on youtube and converted it to an mp3.  We also did a voiceover at the end.  For the editing, we attempted to create a match-on-action cut with the door opening as well as the conversation.  We also found a green screen video of an explosion on youtube, converted it to an mp4 and imported that into FCPX.  We transformed it until it was where we wanted it to be and then added the keyer effect.



DB said...

EXCELLENT work! Good use of shot selection + variety to build enigma; experimentation with titles + sound. Generally excellent presentation.
The FCPX vodcasts are great, but split these into a separate THEMED post.
Add an explanation before the prelim vid, with clear explanation of the key terms involved.
Did you film BREAKING the 180 rule? If so add it (if not, consider quickly filming that for a simple 3-take shot reverse shot sequence.

DB said...

POST TITLE: put the THEME 1st: PRACTICE1 Prelim and continuity editing