Monday 3 February 2020

X SHOOT1 Behind the Scenes of Shoot1

This is our behind the scenes video of our first shoot.  Overall I think it went very well and we were all very determined to achieve as much as possible through this shoot.  We each took on roles to make this as easy for us as possible whilst still chipping in our ideas and everyone taking them on board.  I think we've all learnt a lot through this process which will be helpful for our next shoot.  For example, we figured out that it's a lot easier to continue to film the exact same shot multiple times instead of stopping recording just to start again.  Another thing we learnt was how to efficiently use our time.  We could only film our first scene after 12:00 due to having to order the pizza, so instead of waiting, we filmed all the other shots before that one.  One thing we had a bit of trouble with, is not having all the props needed that day as Bright Films was unable to make it.  For our next shoot we will make sure that all of the props needed will be at the location before we shoot so that we are sure that we haven't missed anything.



DB said...

A very useful vid, but, perhaps more in a shoot reflection post, you need to more clearly break down the specific roles each individually fulfilled in this shoot. I'll share a comment directed at TP initially:
Its good to put your own take on this, but each shoot needs 2 highly detailed, well-illustrated posts:
SHOOTx PREPARATION: shotlist/call sheets - clear evidence of thorough preparation of props, costume/make-up, general mise-en-scene (set dressing); organisation/preparation (rehearsal? sharing screenplay?) of cast including travel logistics; confirm that image use permission sheets signed; health + safety basic risk assessment; brief bullets of key research influences on this shoot - doesn't matter if this is repeating earlier points, it helps to keep highlighting you're APPLYING research
SHOOTx REFLECTION: brief top-of-post summary of +/-s. Rushes (in a single vid) with brief context/commentary. Brief behind-the-scenes vids showing each person's individual contributions (its a good idea to present this as 4 individual vids even if its repeating some of the same footage: directing, producing [especially calling out whats next from call sheet, thus the name], set-dressing, cinematography, acting [as relevant to each person on each shoot]).
Sample scenes, + therefore audience feedback + your response to that, can be in a separate post, but there needs to be clear actual reflection - has your production schedule changed? are there missing/re-shoots required? on reviewing rushes are you unhappy at any shots/scenes? did you innovate any shots/ideas on the day not in the shotlist?
This current very short post can be folded in to that much more detailed group post; each individual doesn't need to share individual comments like yours, also don't need to share each others' vids evidencing individual contributions - its actually better if you don't to make it easier to highlight INDIVIDUAL contributions/blogging.

DB said...

What's going on with the pink here? None of those are technical terms or theories?!?