Wednesday 11 March 2020

X SAMPLE SCENE2 Bedroom/Kitchen






Their points:
  1. Didn't see too much difference
  2. Should have made face when sniff first top
  3. Second was snappier which she liked
  4. Likes the sugar
  5. Noticed background noise
What I think:

  1. He's correct, I didn't change too much about it.  I removed one of the tops to sniff as it just took too much time.  I also tried to make the kitchen shots snappier and with more rhythm, so I downloaded and imported a metronome and tried to edit to the pace of that.
  2. I agree with this point to a certain extent.  I think that it would have helped to have that added expression but I think the clothes scattered on the floor covers the slob point enough.
  3. I'm glad she noticed the way that the editing was quicker and I'm glad she liked it.
  4. I'm also glad she found the sugar element funny.
  5. I noticed this background noise too so for my next sample scene I will find a way to remove that as much as possible.

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