Sunday 26 April 2020

key influences


We have realised that titles are important in connoting the genre of a movie and anchoring the preferred reading.  We've found movies without many titles like Four Lions but we don't want to head down that route.  Although our movie idea doesn't directly comply with the auteur theory as it won't tackle a social issue, we still want to have the director's name come up twice in the titles, like an auteur does.  After looking at many examples, we came up with an order of titles for our opening.  We want the order to go as follows:

  • A Scope Productions Film
  • A Spikey Films Production
  • In associations with TriHard Productions and Bright Films
  • Luxembourg Film Fund
  • Directed by James David
  • Produced by Nira Park (SOTD)
  • Starring Tristan Plumridge
  • James Whiting
  • Emma Scoble
  • Introducing Nickolas Wilson
  • And with Louis Hodges and Neil Scoble
  • Director of Photography: Michael Bonvillain (ZL)
  • Costume Designer Esmee Young (28 DL)
  • Music Score composed by Hannah Ni
  • VFX by Tom Szenher (Warm Bodies)
  • Hair and Makeup Silvana Gamero
  • Screenplay by Burr Steers (PandPandZ)
  • Edited by Chris Dickens (SOTD)
  • Directed by James David 
Some of the people named in this list are from specific zom-rom-com hybrid genre movies.  Nira Park produced Shaun of the Dead, Michael Bonvillain was the director of photography for Zombieland, Esmee Young was the costume designer for 28 Days Later, Claude François composed the music score for Shaun of the Dead,Tom Szenher did the VFX for Warm Bodies, Burr Steers did the screenplay for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Chris Dickens edited Shaun of the Dead.
We've also decided to include Luxembourg Film Fest.  We got this inspiration from movies such as Tyrannosaur (Considine, 2011) as they have Film4 and UK Film Council, now known as BFI, British Film Institute who helped fund the movie.  This is very common for indie movies as the BFI funds movies which show different representations.  Indie movies also struggle to gain funding and distribution which is were the BFI or Luxembourg Film Fest come in handy.  
As font goes, we want to inspiration from Anna and the Apocalypse to have a distressed bubble font.  We also will take inspiration from Shaun of the Dead to have the main title move, like this.  We will avoid having an animated title sequence like Anna and the apocalypse and avoid a title sequence without the movie underneath like Shaun of the dead and Zombieland.  Our main titles will be in upper case, whereas the other ones will be sentence case.  The words like "in association with" will be smaller than the company title.  The positioning will vary on what is going on in the scene but the main titles will be much bigger and in the centre.


Occasionally, in the horror genre, they tweak the idents to make them anchor the genre. We found this in Friday the 13th.  We won't be doing the same thing.  We saw considerable variation in length and number, like Bridget Jones's Diary with 4 idents, lasting 1m, compared to Tyrannosaur with no idents, but we have discussed that we will have 2 idents, both with an audio bridge over them.  This is because we have researched that Indie movies are more focused on the art of the movie rather than the production companies, like the Big 5.


As I've just mentioned, we will have an audio bridge from the idents to the opening like Le Donk and Scor-Zay-Zee, The Boat that Rocked or Hot Fuzz.  In This is England, they have pre-existing music playing which we want to have in our opening.  Baby driver also has pre-existing music and a soundtrack which we want to take inspiration from.  In Shaun of the Dead, the song Ghost Town is played in the background of the first scene so we want to use this song to intertextualise the film Shaun of the Dead.  Another example of a big chunk of music playing over an opening scene is Zombieland.  Like in Hot Fuzz, we will have some exaggerated sounds to connote the comedic genre within the zom-rom-com hybrid genre.  We've also discovered that successful ambient sound will create verisimilitude so we want to achieve this too.  We want to include both diegetic and non-diegetic sound.


We have seen in pretty much all movies we have researched that leaving some narrative enigma whilst still giving exposition is important.  This can be constructed by not showing the protagonist immediately, like in About a Boy, whilst still giving exposition through the mise-en-scene.  A contrasting way of constructing narrative enigma is when the central protagonist is shown immediately but still holding back information.  Shaun of the Dead is a great example of this.  The central protagonist is shown immediately, making it seem like he is the only one in the scene but then more characters are revealed as time goes on.  The exposition is provided through the mise-en-scene and the dialogue between the characters.  We want to take the About a Boy approach to our 1st shot with narrative enigma through not seeing the protagonist straight away.


Our central protagonist will take a lot of inspiration from Shaun and Ed from Shaun of the Dead.  We will use costume and mise-en-scene to try create this slob stereotype.  We will also use many techniques we have seen, such as rule of thirds, tracking shots and others to anchor who the central protagonist is to the audience.  We want to have a Proppian hero archetype and a princess/prize archetype, which we've seen in Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland.  The Proppian villian archetype will be the zombies.  We also want to have some binary oppositions, possibly through the central protagonist and his best friend.  We want our protagonist to follow Campbell's hero's journey but as we are only creating a film opening, the only stages we will show will be the shift from equilibrium to the call to adventure.  This is the same for Todorov's narrative structure, where we will only show the equilibrium to disequilibrium in the film opening.


Like Shaun of the Dead, we want the mise-en-scene to show that our protagonist is a bit of a slob.  We like the scene in the living room with the rubbish and junk on the coffee table and will take inspiration from that.  We want the mise-en-scene to give as much exposition about our character as possible so we will take influence from About A Boy and how the mise-en-scene shows the audience what type of person the character is without even seeing him.  We also want to film on a day where the weather is slightly cloudy so there is pathetic fallacy.


Like Zombieland and This is England, as well as many others, we want to have our main title to be shown, and then have it fade to black which will them transition into the main movie.  We don't want to have a title sequence like these movies though.  

Thursday 23 April 2020




















































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Wednesday 11 March 2020

X SAMPLE SCENE2 Bedroom/Kitchen






Their points:
  1. Didn't see too much difference
  2. Should have made face when sniff first top
  3. Second was snappier which she liked
  4. Likes the sugar
  5. Noticed background noise
What I think:

  1. He's correct, I didn't change too much about it.  I removed one of the tops to sniff as it just took too much time.  I also tried to make the kitchen shots snappier and with more rhythm, so I downloaded and imported a metronome and tried to edit to the pace of that.
  2. I agree with this point to a certain extent.  I think that it would have helped to have that added expression but I think the clothes scattered on the floor covers the slob point enough.
  3. I'm glad she noticed the way that the editing was quicker and I'm glad she liked it.
  4. I'm also glad she found the sugar element funny.
  5. I noticed this background noise too so for my next sample scene I will find a way to remove that as much as possible.

Sunday 1 March 2020

X SAMPLE SCENE1 Bedroom/Kitchen


For the sample scene of the bedroom and bathroom, I tried to do some match-on-action shots.  For example, in the bedroom, I tried to match the picking up and throwing down the shirts from the two separate shots.  And then as Donnie is leaving the room, the match-on-action with the fridge door opening.  For the kitchen scene, I tried to do the quick shots like in Shaun of the Dead.





Their points:

  1. Fix audio
  2. Like shot in fridge
  3. Teabag in tea and too much sugar
  4. The sugar was funny
  5. Talking in background

What I think:
  1. I agree with the audio mishap in the bedroom scene as there is the wind from the impact of the top falling on the floor that made the extra sound.  I think I could possibly cut that shot a little bit shorter so that it gets rid of that sound or I could use the audio from the medium shots of his upper body.
  2. I agree with the shot in the fridge and I think it really works with the match-on-action.  I could make it a little bit more smooth though.
  3. I'm glad he mentioned the teabag and the sugar as our aim was to portray him as a bit of a slob so I think it worked well.
  4. I'm also glad about this because we wanted to make sure that it was obvious that this was a zom-rom-com hybrid genre so I'm happy that has come across correctly.
  5. Yet again, like the first point, I could fix this by using sound from other footage and also possibly adding in the effect so we still get the same effect.  Another option would be for me to film that shot again so I can get overlay the audio.

Thursday 27 February 2020

X GROUP SUMMARY4 Genre Media Language

Zombie Character link
(This post was originally created by Spikey Films)
Our film opening is going to be a zom-rom-com, meaning we need to plan a look for our zombie characters. It is important we get this look correct to obtain verisimilitude. Our plan is for our zombie to have white eyes (to show they aren't alive), several wounds/cuts across the face, white face, ripped/dirty clothes and then covered in blood. This style is inspired by the zombies in Shaun of the Dead.            They are all wearing normal clothing, however its all hanging off them as if it was unnatural. Looking at the close up of Nick Frost, you can see his face has been covered in white powder/paint to show the character is lifeless. We have ordered white contact lenses from amazon to create the same effect as Shaun of the Dead. We have blood capsules as well, meaning we would be able to create a similar effect to what is going on around Nick Frost's mouth. 


Liquid latex - we ordered some to create any disfigured sections of the zombies face.

Equipment to create scars/cuts - we have been practicing creating realistic cuts. On the right is an image of some practice cuts I have done on my arm (using glue, makeup and pens).

White make-up - we have access to makeup that could be applied to the face to create the dead look.

Fake blood - could be applied to face or clothing
Contact lenses - we have ordered 2 pairs of white contact lenses. 


We haven't made any specific plans for clothing yet, however preferably baggy clothing that can be covered in blood. The point is for it to look like the zombies have been turned immediately from their normal self to a zombie, which is why they would be dressed in clothing that they would usually wear.


Once again, inspired by Shaun of the Dead. We chose to go for a slow zombie because we felt it would be easily distinguishable between the zombies and the normal characters. For example if our characters, Donnie, Fred or Mia, are running away, the comedy would be in the style of the slow walk.


Similar to the sounds above, the generic zombie noise would work well for our scene, as it has been used in several zombie movies before.

GROUP SUMMARY3 GenreCs Titles, Idents, Production Context

X GENRE CONVENTIONS2 General Media Language


As sound goes, zombie movies usually have eerie music with long, low pitched notes with high pitched, short notes over the top.  This messes with the audience's heartbeat making them feel the intensity of the genre more.  In romance movies, they often have light, relaxing melodies that appeals to a female target audience.  The comedy genre can vary as there are many different ways to go about it. When it comes to foley or ambient sound, it is exaggerated for the comedic effect.


The 1st shot has a lot of narrative enigma, whether that's with the character (like Warm Bodies) or with the fact that there are zombies and the character doesn't know about it (like Shaun of the Dead).  There is a lot of exposition through the mise-en-scene as well, like in Shaun of the Dead, we can see a lot of junk on the coffee table, eluding to the fact that his character is a slob.

The mise-en-scene provides a lot of exposition for where the movie is set and about the characters.  In Shaun of the Dead, we see the messy coffee table portraying the character as a slob.  In Warm Bodies, we see a run down airport providing exposition on where it is set.


Like most films, the central protagonist is shown through the rule of thirds, a voice over, close up shots and others.  In Warm Bodies, we get the voice over and close ups of parts of the zombies body, so the audience doesn't know he's a zombie.  In Shaun of the Dead, we don't get narrative enigma of his character as the first shot is of a close up of his face, however there are a lot of shots where other characters are speaking but the camera is still on his character.




X GENRE CONVENTIONS1 Titles, Idents, Production Context

I looked at some zom-rom-com genre specific movies such as, Zombieland (Fleischer, 2009) and Anna and the Apocalypse (McPhail, 2018).




GROUP SUMMARY2 General Media Language

GROUP SUMMARY1 GCs Titles, Idents, Production Context

X GENERAL CONVENTIONS2 General Media Language



1st SHOT

A lot of exposition is shown through the first shot, yet there is still narrative enigma.  The mise-en-scene provides the exposition of the characters, typically the protagonist.  The protagonist usually isn't shown completely to leave that narrative enigma and suspense.  When a movie shows the character immediately, it takes away from the suspense.  A common example of the first shots are Hand of God.  This means that it goes from a ELS to a LS all the way to a CU.  This usually occurs as a town, to a road, to a house, to in a specific window.  It shows that the character is just like anyone else and that the specific story line could have happened to anyone.  I looked at Bridget Jones's Diary (Maguire, 2001), About a Boy (Chris and Paul Weitz, 2002) and Hot Fuzz (Wright, 2007).




X GENERAL CONVENTIONS1 Titles, Idents, Production Context



Idents are essentially the logo of a production company which is played at the beginning of a movie.  They are the most simple aspect of a film opening.  An ident usually lasts between 4-7 seconds and there are usually 2-4 idents before the movie starts.  The more production companies involved in making the movie, the more the risks are spread.  Indie movies occasionally have no idents at the beginning.  The bigger conglomerates such as the Big 5 (Warner Bros., Paramount, NBC Universal, Sony and Walt Disney) get a lot more screen time for their idents rather than smaller junior companies.  The Big 5 are also more likely to have their own jingle rather than an audio bridge.


They are placed at the beginning of a movie to show which production companies were involved in the making of the movie.  Idents are also used to advertise the production companyIdents are often made aesthetically pleasing and enticing to make them memorable.  The fact that Big 5 idents are repeatedly marketed also helps to make them memorable.  The production company wants to make a good impression so that people are tempted to watch more of their creations.  Idents can also be altered to connote the genre of the movie.  This is mostly identifiable with the Slasher genre.



  • Having possibly 1 or 2 idents with their own jingle
  • Having 1 ident with audio bridge to movie
  • Considering our film opening can't be that long, probably a maximum of 10 seconds per ident
  • Possibly having something altered about the ident to connote the zom-rom-com hybrid genre





In this vodcast, I speak about the titles in different movies.  I've looked at some Working Title movies as well as Warp movies.  It is clear that a title is very important as it anchors the genre and the preferred reading.  This is shown through the font, colour, size and case.  It is interesting as a few movies don't have any titles at all.  The order is also important to look at as this will help us create our film opening.  I look at Tyrannosaur (Considine, 2011), This is England (Meadows, 2007) and Four Lions (Morris, 2010) from Warp and Bridget Jones's Diary (Maguire, 2001) from Working Title.

Wednesday 26 February 2020

X GENRE RESEARCH2 Studying Horror Cinema by Bryan Turnock

For the past week, I have been reading the book Studying Horror Cinema by Bryan Turnock.  I found out some things which I found interesting.


Four narrative stages:

  • Onset
    • Audience made aware of monster
  • Discovery
    • One or more central characters discovers that the monster's existence
  • Confirmation
    • The wider community is convinced of the monster's existence
  • Confrontation
    • Humanity confronts the monster and may or may not be victorious
Night of the Living Dead (George A. Romero, 1968) - relatively straightforward example.
Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock, 1960) - contrasted.

  • Fusion
    • Simultaneous occupation of two or more normally exclusive categories
      • living/dead, human/animal, human/vegetable 
  • Fission
    • Occupation of two or more categories, at different times
      • werewolves, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
    • or in different spaces
      • the doppelgänger
  • Magnification/Massification
    • Takes an existing source of potential horror and either magnifies it
      • giant spiders
    • Or masses it
      • swarms of cockroaches
  • Metonymy 
    • Representation of something inwardly monstrous, though appearing normal, through association with a recognisable source of horror
      • Norman Bates' association with the stuffed corpse of his mother

  • Often in Gothic novels to claim the work was based on "found" documents 
    • Stoker's Dracula - entirely diary entries, journals and letters by and between book's protagonists
    • Frankenstein and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde rely on these devices.
    • Continued through horror films 
    • Genre depends on audience's ability to suspend disbelief 
  • There's a monster or terrible place convention
  • Identified by Carol Clover
  • Somewhere which seems like a safe haven but in fact acts to trap the victim with the monster
    • Often a house or tunnel
    • In Gothic literature, often a ruined abbey or castle

Monday 24 February 2020


  • Edit 1st podcast - lots of visuals - post
  • Film, edit and upload podcast 2
  • Shoot 1 planning post completed
  • Shoot 1 outcome post - rushers and reflections
  • Same above for shoot 2
  • Rushers and sample scenes - audience feedback and reflections
  • Edit and upload BTS video shoot 2
  • Post creative formats list, with filming date and names for each Eval Q
  • Finish convention vodcast on sound, genre signification
  • Social media posting - "Isn't it terrifying when you've lost your keys" - look at insta - cornetto trilogy? - ideally other zombie films - maybe BJB - Aero etc. - better with Working Title - anything that links with Zombie
  • Conventions - drill into Shaun of the Dead - cover all GCs list
  • General Conventions summary
  • Animatic
  • Idents
  • Blog on reading

Sunday 23 February 2020

X PRE-PRODUCTION19 Filming equipment

This post was originally created by Spikey Films

Here is a list of the equipment we will use to record our film opening:

Small Tripod - convenient for worms eye view shots

iPhone 11 - the highest quality out of all iPhone cameras. Has a very wide angle lens (improving the issue of recording in small rooms). Similar quality to proper camera

LED camera light - this means we can film in rooms that have slightly less light.

Large Tripod - gives the shots stability and gives us the opportunity to adjust heights if need be

iPhone tripod adaptor - meaning we can attach the iPhone to the tripod

Gimbal - if we chose to use any tracking shots, it gives a very stabilised and professional look to the footage

Monday 3 February 2020

X SHOOT1 Behind the Scenes of Shoot1

This is our behind the scenes video of our first shoot.  Overall I think it went very well and we were all very determined to achieve as much as possible through this shoot.  We each took on roles to make this as easy for us as possible whilst still chipping in our ideas and everyone taking them on board.  I think we've all learnt a lot through this process which will be helpful for our next shoot.  For example, we figured out that it's a lot easier to continue to film the exact same shot multiple times instead of stopping recording just to start again.  Another thing we learnt was how to efficiently use our time.  We could only film our first scene after 12:00 due to having to order the pizza, so instead of waiting, we filmed all the other shots before that one.  One thing we had a bit of trouble with, is not having all the props needed that day as Bright Films was unable to make it.  For our next shoot we will make sure that all of the props needed will be at the location before we shoot so that we are sure that we haven't missed anything.


Saturday 1 February 2020

X PRE-PRODUCTION18 Pre-Production Schedule Updated

We've discussed a few things about what we want to change for the film opening.

  • Hand of God
  • Shows whole town, to street, to house, to living room
  • Near Emma's house

  • None needed
  • Nobody - looks desolate
  • None needed


  • Wakes up on sofa with pizza slice on him
  • Has a game controller in hand
  • Game (specifically a zombie game) playing on TV
  • Doesn't show protagonist immediately (narrative enigma)
  • Shows a lot of the mise-en-scene - messy and dirty
  • Takes a swig of vodka
  • Emma's living room
  • Pizza
  • Pizza boxes
  • Cigarettes
  • Chinese take out boxes
  • Lighter
  • Ash tray
  • Work shoes
  • Black leather jacket
  • Pocket knife
  • Video games
  • Game controller
  • Cans of beer
  • Cans of CocaCola
  • Cans of Fanta
  • Cans of Red Bull
  • Donnie Romero
  • White shirt, rolled up sleeves, pocket on left side, half tucked in
  • Black work trousers/jeans
  • White socks
  • Black belt
  • Thin gold frame glasses
  • Donnie takes off clothes to get into shower
  • Gets into shower
  • Singing Ghost Town by The Specials - intertextuality with Shaun of the Dead
  • Zombie comes in
  • Donnie gets soap in eye
  • Tries to get a towel and hits zombie in the process
  • Bends down to grab towel
  • Knocks zombie out when standing up
  • Grabs toothbrush and brushes teeth
  • Emma's bathroom
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste (empty)
  • Glasses
  • Plain white towel
  • Empty shower gel
  • Donnie Romero
  • Zombie
  • Donnie
    • Nothing in shower (can't see swim shorts)
    • Towel around waist
  • Zombie
    • White top - bloody and cut up
    • Grey zip up hoodie
    • Dark blue straight leg jeans
    • Black socks
  • Goes into bedroom
  • Smells all the clothes on the floor
  • Is disgusted until he finds one that's okay
  • Picks it up and puts on
  • Emma's spare bedroom
  • Clothes spread out all over the floor
  • Donnie Romero
  • White towel around waist
  • Rick and Morty graphic tee
  • Goes into kitchen
  • Quick shots of
  • Putting kettle on
  • Putting in tea bag
  • Pouring kettle
  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Tastes it 
  • Puts in more sugar
  • Putting bread in toaster
  • Toaster pops
  • Scraping off burnt bits
  • Putting jam on toast (strawberry - like blood)
  • Takes a bit
  • Jam gets on face
  • Emma's kitchen
  • Kettle
  • Toaster
  • Jam
  • Bread/toast
  • Mug
  • Teabag
  • Milk
  • Sugar cubes
  • Butter
  • Knife
  • Donnie Romero
  • Rick and Morty tee
  • Shorts
  • Odd socks
  • Can't find keys in hallway
  • Rings keys
  • Finds them in pink slippers
  • Grabs change from bowl
  • Puts trainers on
  • Leaves house
  • Emma's hallway
  • Keys - with keychain that plays music
  • Pink fluffy slipper
  • Paper which says "Keys hear" with an arrow pointing down
  • Wooden chest
  • Shoe rack
  • Asics trainers
  • Coat rack
  • Change
  • Ceramic bowl
  • Donnie Romero
  • Rick and Morty tee
  • Shorts
  • Asics trainers
  • Odd socks
  • Walking to shops
  • Listening to music
  • Mia trying to tell him there's a zombie behind him
  • He can't hear and is amazed a girl is speaking to him
  • False scare as Eddie pushes Donnie out of way from zombie
  • Pull dead body from car
  • Get in car
  • Drive off
  • Drone shot of car driving off
  • Reveals title
  • Near Emma's house (outside)
  • Old phone
  • Earphones
  • Spatula
  • Rolling pin
  • Knives
  • Lots more kitchen utensils
  • Car
  • Donnie Romero
  • Mia Jones
  • 2nd zombie
  • Eddie Pegg
  • Donnie Romero
    • Rick and Morty tee
    • Shorts
    • Odd socks
    • Asics trainers
  • Mia Jones
    • Dress
    • Denim jacket / blazer
    • High heels with chunky heel and buckles
  • 2nd zombie
    • Ruined top with blood
    • Zip up hoodie
    • Jeans
  • Eddie Pegg
    • Trench coat hiding all the kitchen utensils
    • Black trousers
    • Black socks
    • Black shirt