Thursday 27 February 2020

X GENERAL CONVENTIONS1 Titles, Idents, Production Context



Idents are essentially the logo of a production company which is played at the beginning of a movie.  They are the most simple aspect of a film opening.  An ident usually lasts between 4-7 seconds and there are usually 2-4 idents before the movie starts.  The more production companies involved in making the movie, the more the risks are spread.  Indie movies occasionally have no idents at the beginning.  The bigger conglomerates such as the Big 5 (Warner Bros., Paramount, NBC Universal, Sony and Walt Disney) get a lot more screen time for their idents rather than smaller junior companies.  The Big 5 are also more likely to have their own jingle rather than an audio bridge.


They are placed at the beginning of a movie to show which production companies were involved in the making of the movie.  Idents are also used to advertise the production companyIdents are often made aesthetically pleasing and enticing to make them memorable.  The fact that Big 5 idents are repeatedly marketed also helps to make them memorable.  The production company wants to make a good impression so that people are tempted to watch more of their creations.  Idents can also be altered to connote the genre of the movie.  This is mostly identifiable with the Slasher genre.



  • Having possibly 1 or 2 idents with their own jingle
  • Having 1 ident with audio bridge to movie
  • Considering our film opening can't be that long, probably a maximum of 10 seconds per ident
  • Possibly having something altered about the ident to connote the zom-rom-com hybrid genre





In this vodcast, I speak about the titles in different movies.  I've looked at some Working Title movies as well as Warp movies.  It is clear that a title is very important as it anchors the genre and the preferred reading.  This is shown through the font, colour, size and case.  It is interesting as a few movies don't have any titles at all.  The order is also important to look at as this will help us create our film opening.  I look at Tyrannosaur (Considine, 2011), This is England (Meadows, 2007) and Four Lions (Morris, 2010) from Warp and Bridget Jones's Diary (Maguire, 2001) from Working Title.


DB said...

GENERALLY: good range of detail + some good aspects of presentation. Whats missing is a brief bullet list under or above each vodcast of the key points it makes (your text focuses on which egs are used). You need a IN THIS POST initial heading so its clear what you cover, + to make the IDENTS/TITLES headings LARGEST size, probably with yellow
IDENTS: this is great (liking the range of tech terms used accurately) BUT needs one addition - at least 1 eg of an Indie WITH idents (therefore = what you'll do) - tho you could wait to put that in the combined (ES/LH) summary, where you're discussing/reflecting on findings. You should also tweak the comment on LENGTH - what you're saying about WT egs doesn't fit your initial summary. Emphasise the variation of long/short, but stress too how common short ones are (to help justify yours). Loved your Scope ident btw, spot on.
INFLUENCES - needs to be a bit (not a lot more) more specific/accurate. How many? Variable length? Estimated total time?
I'll feed back on titles separately

DB said...

TITLES: Again, you need a TEXT list of key points, eg the numbers you give for sev films, + an initial list of LIKELY titles/order you'll use (not the actual, final one, and NAMES not necessary). Put the zombie egs with zombie post. No need for more general egs to replace them.
On auteur point - you describe the theory, but don't explain that its implied in ALL movies through the double-credit convention, regardless of wider auteur status/recognition. On TisEng you said CONSIDINE comes up twice, not Meadows! Good detail on the numbers. You're not analysing any difference/distinction for the MAIN TITLE. Again, so long as that comes out in your joint summary thats ok for now.
'Groups of 2 or 3' - you denote the point, but don't analyse (connotation) it: why are THOSE names just grouped together?
Presumably in the genre post - we did a task in lesson of taking titles from 4 zombies to assemble final titles with names.
BJD: handwritten doesn't DIRECTLY connote rom-com, its more signifying FEMININE (which then extends to genre). Star billing - look more closely: how is ReneZ highlighted more than CF/HG? Based on the novel by - your chance to mention IP/budgets (production context). Main title - why is Jones's NOT also in bubble font? Connotes com as part of film but within a realist style.
Zombieland - keep with genre post! If you can, that titles interaction would be amazing in yours. I wouldn't dismiss the animated eg either - FCPX has a comic book FX which could enable something like this (ie, slo-mo/freeze-frame some frames in animated style). You again don't really analyse the difference of main title font (you denote it, but don't COMPARE it with general titles), its a crucial point.